CUPE 6364 belongs to the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU). this means that we negotiate a provincial agreement with the Ontario Hospitals Association (OHA) along with all of the other unions in Ontario that make up OCHU.
Most of the contract provisions that impact your working conditions are found in the OCHU central agreement. You can find the OCHU central agreements for full and part-time workers below:
- Full-time collective agreement between OCHU and the OHA
- Part-time collective agreement between OCHU and the OHA
For contract provisions that only impact workplaces represented by CUPE 6364 please consult your own local collective agreement
- Combined full/part-time collective agreement between CUPE 6364 and Lakeridge Hospital
- Combined full/part-time collective Agreement between CUPE 6364 and Oak Valley Hospital
If you are unsure of which collective agreement to look at for a particular issue, please contact a union steward.
2021 Bargaining Survey
The current collective agreement between OCHU and the OHA is set to expire in September of 2021. As OCHU prepares to negotiate a new central agreement for Ontario hospital workers it needs to hear from members about their priorities in this latest round of bargaining. To make your voice heard, please fill out the following 2021 bargaining survey. Your responses will remain anonymous.